Star Trails – 08-12-2018

We traveled down to the Everglades to capture the Perseid meteor shower, but the clouds did not cooperate. after checking other areas of the park we decided to head north back home. As we drove north we noticed the skies clearing and decided to visit the Harold A Campbell Public Use Area in South Palm Beach. The mosquitoes were all out in force, but we were prepared with our spray, clothing and netting. The skies were clear and off in the distance towards Naples, was a huge lighting storm going off. We setup and started shooting. The funny part, was that we saw loads of meteors but none were in front of my camera.. There were a few planes passing by… This image was created with 120 images – stacked for the star trails. as dark as it was – there was still a small amount of light pollution, overall, it was a fun night night

Star Trails over Harold A Campbell Public Use Area

South Florida Stars at Night

When the darkness came after the sun disappeared completely over the horizon, the stars began to dot the sky. The darker it got – the more stars became present. You could still see the light pollution on the horizon from Miami and Broward Country.
Location: Harold A Campbell Public Use Area

The South Florida Stars over the everglades - IMG_0763

Sunset at Harold A Campbell Public Use Area

A beautiful sunset at Harold A Campbell Public Use Area in Palm Beach County . Located West of 27 . There are no street lights, there is no road markings, but there is a place where people can launch their small boats on the water and can park.

Sunset Harold A Campbell Public Use Area
Sunset at Harold A Campbell Public Use Area – IMG_0729
Sunset at Harold A Campbell Public Use Area Portrait
Sunset at Harold A Campbell Public Use Area – IMG_0736

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