Roaring Fork Falls, North Carolina

This was a mellow half-mile hike to this waterfall in Pisgah National Forest. It was just beautiful to watch

Roaring Fork Falls, North Carolina - This was a mellow half-mile hike to this waterfall in Pisgah National Forest.

Crabtree Falls, NC

Hiked up to Crabtree Falls in North Carolina – It’s at Milepost 339.5 off the Blue Ridge Parkway and it’s supposed to be a trail that descends .9 mile to the base of the falls, but it is not as easy as some people lead you to believe. At the base of the spectacular Crabtree Falls, the water cascades over a 60-foot rock cliff. It is a beautiful waterfall and the hike is well worth the effort.

Hiked up to Crabtree Falls in North Carolina - It's at Milepost 339.5 off the Blue Ridge Parkway
Crabtree Falls-6121-2021_10_11

Crabtree Falls in North Carolina

Hiked up to Crabtree Falls in North Carolina
It’s at Milepost 339.5 off the Blue Ridge Parkway and it’s supposed to be a the trail that descends .9 mile to the base of the falls, but it is not as easy as some people lead you to believe. At the base of the spectacular Crabtree Falls, the water cascades over a 60-foot rock cliff. It is a beautiful waterfall and the hike is well worth the effort.

Crabtree Falls in North Carolina

White Sands Beauty

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

What a wonderful place to visit, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico. The dark cool environment of the Carlsbad are a wonder to behold. The caves that wind down a path that are about 750 feet below the surface of the dry New Mexico land. The dim light makes photographing the caves a bit of a challenge but using a tripod really helps.

White Sands Morning

275 square miles of desert, creating the world’s largest gypsum dune field.
Taken: 10/08/2019

White Sands Morning in New Mexico, there are 275 square miles of desert, creating the world's largest gypsum dune field.

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