North Carolina Streams

North Carolina Streams are found along side many hills and mountains.  Due to all the rain from the recent Tropical Storm the streams & waterfalls were amazing with so much water.

North Carolina Streams cover much of the Smokey Mountains in North Carolina
North Carolina Streams – SmokeyMountains-2020_11_05-9304

Yosemite National Park – B&W

Inspired by Clyde Butcher and his amazing Black White photography, I thought I’d convert one of my photos to b&w.
Yosemite National Park, CA

Inspired by Clyde Butcher and his amazing Black White photography, I thought I'd convert one of my photos to b&w. Yosemite National Park, CA

Bryce Canyon, Utah

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in southwestern portion of Utah. Bryce Canyon is not a canyon,
but a collection of natural amphitheaters with geological structures called hoodoos that were formed by
frost, wind, weathering, and stream erosion from the river and lake bed sedimentary rocks

Bryce Canyon, Utah
Bryce Canyon-IMG_5712-2015_10_07-Hdr

The Famous Ztree Cypress, Everglades

In the midst of the early morning darkness, we were searching for the famous Ztree cypress. We were driving slowly looking with flashlight when someone drove up behind us. I pulled over and the gentleman asked if we were looking for the Ztree. We said yes and he said follow me. We followed him for about a 1/4 mile and sure enough he lead us to the tree! We thanked him before he drove off and we parked the car along the road and began capturing the Z or N tree. We photographed till the sun rose.

The Ztree Cypress in the Everglades National Park
In the midst of the early morning darkness, we were searching for the famous Ztree cypress. We were driving slowly looking with flashlight when someone drove up behind us. I pulled over and the gentleman asked if we were looking for the Ztree. We said yes and he said follow me. We followed him for about a 1/4 mile and sure enough he lead us to the tree! We thanked him before he drove off and we parked the car along the road and began capturing the Z or N tree. We photographed till the sun rose.
The Ztree Cypress in the Everglades National Park

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