the Waldorf Towers Hotel

It had just rained and we captured reflections of the Waldorf Towers Hotel off the street along Ocean Drive on South Beach.

It had just rained and we capture the hotels lit up with their building lights along Ocean Drive - South Beach.
Ocean Drive – 2018_04_14-IMG_3219

Large Swell Beneath The Pier

The Deerfied Beach Fishing Piers with a large north swell breaking beneath it.

The Deerfied Beach Fishing Piers with a large north swell breaking beneath it.
Deerfield Beach – 2018_03_04-IMG_0388

Surfing off Deerfield Beach

Surfing off Deerfield Beach on a Cold front morning with beautiful north swells

Surfing off Deerfield Beach on a Cold front morning with beautiful north swells
Deerfield Beach – 2018_03_04 – IMG_0329

Colored Hotel Lights

The colored hotel lights along Ocean Drive just after the rain – South Beach.

It had just rained and we capture the hotels lit up with their building lights along Ocean Drive - South Beach.
South Beach – 2018_04_14-IMG_3211

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